This is one of a series of photos of the Sterling Renaissance Faire photographed in July 2007.
The Cardinal is actually Michael Reilly, a software engineer from Massachusetts, and the horse belongs to the "New Riders of the Golden Age" jousting troupe, ridden by the evil knight Sir William Dudley.
I'm often asked, "How do you get a photo like that?"
The answer is, the camera has to be with you, on and ready at all times.
The other answer, is that you must be open to recognizing these images as they occur, and be willing to actually lift the camera to your eye instead of just standing there in open mouthed awe. Yes, that is a difficult thing to do at the Ren Faire.
Another way is to leave the camera at your eye continually. I would, but my wife Janet, who makes the exquisite costumes we wear, seems to think that a camera in my face detracts from our overall regal impact as we walk the faire....
But now to the actual purpose of this post - We have two brand new displays up at local businesses, Transformations Hair Salon, http://www.transformationshairstudio.com/, and at Trumansburg Optical on Main Street in Trumansburg, NY. http://www.trumansburgoptical.com/. These businesses have been supporters and clients for years, and are the best of their types.
Also, I would like to recognize the Lansing Star Online, http://www.lansingstar.com/ for being a tremendous supporter of the Lansing community. I appreciate their client centeredness and sense of civic responsibility. Thank you, Dan and Karen Veaner, publishers.
Until next time!