This past week, an assiciate of mine Steve Chesler (www.cheslerphoto.com) and I completed an article for Life in the Finger Lakes magazine.
It was an exhilarating experience, and I hope it will be well received by the readers.
The article is intended as a public relations item for our organization, the Professional Photographers' Society of New York State, Finger Lakes section. Our organization exists for the advancement and education of its members. The finger Lakes section also has the reputation of being the friendliest section in the state, one I won't dispute.
Frankly, I am delighted at the opportunity of being published is this quality magazine, whose photography is in the same ball park as Arizona Highways, Country and even (dare I say) National Geographic.
By all means, check out the web site, www.lifeinthefingerlakes.com. Even the web site is seriously classy.
And while you are checking out web sites, visit my new site at www.paynefamilyphotographers.com. I am, of course, delighted with it, and wish to pass on my kudos to Ellen Chesler od Lake Effects Web Design, who has used her considerable skill in creating a very professional, classy site.
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